duminică, 24 februarie 2013

Don't tell me i'm not good enough!

Times like this I wish I never existed
Nobody wants to listen, I’m screaming out for help
Times like this I wish that I could let go
And open up a window, free to be myself

(Bridge 1)
But then there’s you
Standing over me, tryna make a fool of me
Tryna get the best of me
Oh, then there’s you
Tryna shut me out, tryna kick me when I’m down
That ain’t gonna stop me now, no

(Bridge 2)
How does it feel to know that I don’t care at all?
Your words don’t mean a thing at all
I choose to rise, you choose to fall
How does it feel to know that I am capable?
Of more than you will ever know

(Chorus 1)
Don’t tell me I’m not good enough
Don’t you bring me down
I’m moving up
And you’re over now
You gave me fire
Every time you came around
My feet are steady on the ground
And you won’t knock me down

(Chorus 2)
No more, no more, no more
Now I’m unbreakable
No more, no more, no more
Now I’m unbreakable

Times like this, I’m picking up the pieces
I’m making up the reasons not to tell a soul
Times like this, I’d rather speak to no one
I just wanna move on and stand up on my own

(Bridge 1)
But then there’s you
Standing over me, tryna make a fool of me
Tryna get the best of me
Oh, then there’s you
Tryna shut me out, tryna kick me when I’m down
That ain’t gonna stop me now, no

(Bridge 2)
How does it feel to know that I don’t care at all?
Your words don’t mean a thing at all
I choose to rise, you choose to fall
How does it feel to know that I am capable?
Of more than you will ever know

(Chorus 1)
Don’t tell me I’m not good enough
Don’t you bring me down
I’m moving up
And you’re over now
You gave me fire
Every time you came around
My feet are steady on the ground
And you won’t knock me down

(Chorus 2)
No more, no more, no more
Now I’m unbreakable
No more, no more, no more
Now I’m unbreakable

(Verse: Miracle)
Yea, I remember getting teased as a kid
‘Cause of the place that we lived
We never had it easy, believe me
But that don’t excuse the things that we did
Couldn’t accept that I was never accepted
Had so many tears like I fell in depression
But if I changed I wouldn’t get caught nays
But it was all the same, I was feeling rejected
Putting someone down is a low blow
Was goes around comes around like a yoyo
Wish that I could stop time like a photo
But we stand strong, bounce back like a pogo

(Chorus 1)
Don’t tell me I’m not good enough
Don’t you bring me down
I’m moving up
And you’re over now
You gave me fire
Every time you came around
My feet are steady on the ground
And you won’t knock me down

(Chorus 2)
No more, no more, no more
Now I’m unbreakable
No more, no more, no more
Now I’m unbreakable

miercuri, 20 februarie 2013

The most important things..

The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them -- words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they're brought out.

But it's more than that, isn't it? The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away.

And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not understanding what you've said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it. That's the worst, I think. When the secret stays locked within not for want of a tellar but for want of an understanding ear.”

"Viaţa însăşi este magie, iar dacă nu crezi asta, măcar încearcă să o trăieşti ca pe ceva magic"

marți, 19 februarie 2013

Love is..

*Play song while you're reading*
Love is... that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

Love is ... a strong word like the air we breathe.
Love is...easy to spell,difficult to define,but it alwas felt.
Love is... impossibile to live without used and needed...

Love is...like a mountain,hard to climb,but once you get to the top,the view is beautiful.
Love is..Irresistable desire ti be irresistably desired.
Love is... strong yet delicate.It can be broken.To truly love is to understand this.To be in love is to respect this.
Love is..like the sun,coming out of the clouds and warming your soul.
Love is...hard work,and hard work sometimes hurts.
Love is...sometimes denied,sometimes lost,sometimes unrecognized,but in the end,always found with no regrets,forever and kept treasured.
Love is...smiling on the inside and out
Love is...a blazing flame,golden and full of warmth.
Love is...giving someone the ability to hurt you,but trusting them not to.
Love is...when those are a milion things you want to say to someone but when they look you in the eyes and hold you in there's arms nothing in life matters other than being with that person at the moment.
Love is...like a flower;it grows slowly but dies quickly.
Love is...a moment that last forever.
Love is...all of those wonderful feelings for another person that cannot be described by words,only by actions.
Love is..that condition in wich the hapiness of another person is essential to your own.
Love is..a friendship set to music.
Love is..not blind,It sees more and not less,but because it sees more it is willing to see less.
Love is.. a symbol of eternity that wipes away all sense of time,removing all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end,
Love is.. like heaven,but it can hurt like hell.
Love is..a journey,not a destination,
Love is..a precious gift,that you recive and you need to give it with caution..

duminică, 17 februarie 2013

Loxy Poxy :)

Hmm.. eu inca o consider colega mea de banca,chiar daca deja de aproape un an nu mai stam in aceiasi banca :( ..pentru ca viata noastra de liceu s-a terminat ..
Acest capitol din viata noastra a luat sfarsit...
As vrea sa mai dau si zece ani din viata mea pentru inca o luna de liceu,jur!As profita la maxim de tot ce tine de liceu,ba mai mult as sta la toate orele,nicio absenta nu as face!Doar sa mai pot sta cu ea in bancuta noastra <3 p="">
Mi-e dor de vremurile alea..cand ajungeam la scoala si incepeam si povesteam ba ce am visat ba ca am intarziat ca nu ne-am gasit hainele potrivite ba ca nu ne-am facut temele la meditatii..
Ii multumesc la Dumnezeu din toata inima ca a creat-o pe ea,prietena mea.Ii voi multumi toata viata ca ea exista si mai ales vreau sa stie ca din inimioara mea cat de mica si de rea ii ea cateodata ,nu am sa o scot!
Ii multumesc ca e alaturi de mine cand am nevoie de ea,ca hainele ei sunt si hainele mele,pantofii ei sunt si pantofii mei,mancarea ei e si mancarea mea si reciproc.
Ii multumesc pentru toata sustinerea pe care am avut-o din partea ei tot timpul.Ii multumesc ca ma iubeste si ma accepta asa cum sunt eu cu toate defectele mele si mai ales ii multumesc ca m-a acoperit de cele mai multe ori in toate nazbatiile pe care le-am facut :*
Te iubesc draga mea :* si iarta-ma pentru toate problemele care ti le-am facut :*

>:D< with all my love,Danel!

..Vio. :)

De o buna bucata de vreme am langa mine o persoana draga mie,Vio,care mi-a dat numai sfaturi bune.Iti multumesc din suflet pentru toate sfaturile tale,poate ca nu am tinut eu cont de toate,dar de cele de care am tinut cont,mi-au fost de folos. :)
Iti multumesc ca ai stiut ca sa imi spui stop inainte sa fac vreo prostie mai mare decat mine sau sa imi dai un "sut" in fund inainte sa imi ratez unele sanse. Multumesc Vio pentru increderea care mi-ai acordat-o..

Iti multumesc ca m-ai protejat de lumea asta rea si iti mai multumesc pentru toata distractia petrecuta cu tine :)
Multumesc ca m-ai lasat sa iti descopar majoritatea laturilor personalitatii tale.. Cea de "copil jucaus" (si aici ma refer la faptu ca ai venit cu noi la casa de copii si te-ai jucat cu ei),cea de om serios(nervos)..stii tu cand :)) si cea de prieten adevarat,care apare de fiecare data cand te trezesc sa mergem la Jolie :))
Iti multumesc tie si la Dumnezeu ca existi in viata mea! Te pupa Danuta ta! :* :* :*

About new me.

Dragii mei,stiu ca nu prea m-am tinut de treaba cu blogul.Dar as vrea ca de azi inainte sa pot sa scriu in fiecare zi sa va impartasesc ce gandesc eu..
Chiar daca nu prea ma pricep eu la astea cu "de-a scrisu pe blog" as vrea sa am un loc unde imi pot lasa impresiile,gandurile si parerile mele despre lumea asta.
Am decis ca de anu asta sa fiu un pic mai "rea" ,m-am saturat sa fiu luata de prostuta.Am mai decis sa nu imi mai bag nasu acolo unde nu-mi fierbe oala..
Mi-am dat seama ca asa nu mai pot face rau nimanui. :) (inclusiv mie)
Asa ca dragii mei,va dau un sfat,nu va bagati nasu unde nu va fierbe oala,ca o sa va ardeti :D si o sa fie neplacut pentru voi.
Sper ca tintele pe care vi le-ati pus in anul asta sa vi de indeplineasca!

*R.I.P to the girl you used to see,her days are over!!!*